There is something going on in my life right now that I can't write about on my blog, but it is b.i.g. I'm having many feelings - worry, anger, a sense that injustice has been done, great sadness, and a little fear. Usually fear does not creep up on me, but it has a little. I will not let it overtake me though. I am blogging these admissions of feelings so that I can move on and trust in God to make all things right and just. I trust Him to lead us where He wants us to go. I totally trust Him in all his dealings with my loved ones. I trust that He has the best in mind for our family, even though I can't see it. I trust You, God, for You are the only One who has proven trustworthy all the time. I love You and I will always serve You.
He is trustworthy, isn't He? You have the right attitude, no matter what the issue is and God WILL honor it! Great job, Jenn!