Where do I start...seriously. I've lived my life in church. Actually, in church for most of it. Growing up the pastor's daughter is not a very good way to grow up. There are 2 reasons I've made it this far:
1. My parents are totally cool
2. Jesus
I would not wish being a pastor's daughter on ANYBODY.
I've been thinking about a couple of things regarding church and I had to write them down because they were bugging me so much. It really helps me to write - it's actually a tool for FA.
First, I hate church. I really hate the corporate, American, personality-driven, popular church of today. (When I use the word "church " here I DO NOT mean people). There are the sex and money scandals...blah, blah, blah. We've heard them all before. There are the divisions, the internal problems...it nauseates me to even go on. I look around at the churches in America today and all I see is a cult of personality. A cult of personality. The cool, hip pastor leading an unthinking group of people to a more "authentic" church or a conservative Bible-thumping pastor leading a flock of modestly clad clones down the road to "like-minded" fellowship. Ugh!
When you strip away all the church stuff - finances, attendance, music, bulletins, pews, buildings, potlucks, etc - what you get is that there is ONE GUY in charge and it is not Jesus. I don't care if a church says it has a board of elders or not. There is still one person in charge - one person with the strongest personality who has the ability to wield his power over the others. The thing is, people like this. They want to follow someone, someone they can see. They want to not have to think and they want to allow another person to tell them what to do and believe.
The corporate, American church is so far away from what REAL church is - i.e. a group of people following Jesus. I am sick of looking for a church in my town. I am not interested in going into some building, sitting down with people I do not know, listening to a pastor lecture me for 30 minutes (where did that come from? Oh yeah - the Greeks), singing songs done to bad music on untuned instruments, and praying for 30 seconds. I.Am.Not.Interested.
Another thing I notice is the whining and begging coming from leadership. "We need immediate help in the nursery..." "We need someone to head-up the after church potlucks...." Over and over again, in every email and bulletin. Here's a question: if the church is supposedly filled with people following Jesus, why is there a need to constantly nag them to do service? If the people at church are truly following Jesus, all the needs in that group would be met by the outpouring of love and service from the hearts of the people! I have yet to see this happen in a typical American church. This alone tells me there is something very wrong.
I am not sure what all this means to me. I will keep attending church - sporadically. I am keeping my eyes open for something new. I know that there are groups of people doing new things (or are they "old"?). Francis Chan is doing something very unusual in SF - he's discipling people so that they can disciple people. Wow, what a concept. No church building, no pastor? Just a group of people learning to live more like Jesus and getting ready to pass on the good news to the next group of people Jesus sends their way.
~I don't mean for this post to sound angry. I am not angry, just tired of what I see over and over again.
Summer 2021
3 years ago